ECG Facilities Services
Find out how ECG successfully reduced their fleets costs and saved £147k in lease costs using our innovative fleet management solutions, mileage management and amending contracts.


Facilities Services
Fleet Size:
100+ vehicles
Solutions Provided:
- Competitive tendering strategy
- Cloud-based fleet management and reporting suite, e-Fleet
- e-Fleet mobile
- Predictive Mileage Reporting
The Problem
ECG, with headquarters in Blantyre near Glasgow and a further six regional offices across the UK, provides building maintenance, repair and refurbishment services to commercial, industrial and public sectors across the UK. It operates a fleet of around 156 company cars and vans for use by mobile service engineers and water hygiene technicians throughout the country. The company decided to carry out a thorough vehicle evaluation programme as it was working through a period of growth where their fleet would double in size. They required efficient fleet management for both their new and current fleet ensuring compliance with increased drivers, vehicles and mileage management.
Our Solution
- ECG was in the process of changing a tranche of 51 cars and 61 of their 90 vans. Fleet Alliance successfully handled the logistics of vehicle collection and delivery, in conjunction with the supplied leasing company and its dealers.
- Fleet Alliance, which has worked closely with ECG for the last nine years, also carried out a competitive tender exercise, employing a panel of funders, to find the most cost-effective prices for all the new cars, which are contract hired on four year/100,000 mile contracts.
- All ECG drivers were supplied with smartphones featuring the award-winning Fleet Alliance e-Fleet Mobile web app, which allows them to record their mileage and condition of their vehicles while out in the field. Our driver app has proved to be such as an essential tool for ECG that company ensures all drivers attend a half-day induction course to learn how to use it effectively and on a regular basis.
The Results
ECG switched to Fleet Alliance as its fleet management provider to source and manage their fleet vehicles, following a tender process involving other prominent leasing and fleet management competitors. To date, Fleet Alliance has successfully:
- Saved ECG £147k in rentals using our innovative fleet management solutions, mileage management and amending contracts
- Fleet Alliance challenged the excessive end of term charges from its previous provider on ECG’s behalf and managed to obtain 70% of the charges reduced. One charge for £1,600 was reduced to £160
- Smooth delivery of all new vehicles ensuring ECG engineers were kept mobile without any downtime at all
- e-Fleet has allowed ECG to manage and monitor contract mileages ensuring they are accurate. ECG works closely with Fleet Alliance to pool the mileages and avoid excess mileage charges
Client Quote
We had a carefully worded document that Fleet Alliance signed up to and they have upheld every single part of it and taken away a lot of the pain." “Thanks to the e-Fleet Mobile, our drivers can download their mileages and condition of their vehicles every month while away from the office.
Tim Muir, Planning and Resource Manager